Thursday, March 12, 2009

Block Watch

For my final project I decided to research the block watch program. I would like to see what the police and community do to keep their neighborhood a safer place. I am planning on interviewing Alderman Hines Jr., Captain Harpole and citizens of the community to see how they work together to ensure safety. I want to see how the people get involved with reporting crimes to the police and how active they are in investigating crimes. I also want to see how often the police patrol the area and how well acquainted with the residents the officers are. I want to get the residents’ opinions of the police in their neighborhood and how comfortable they are with the police and how safe they feel in their neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Kimberly, your focus on JPNA's neighborhood safety programs will make for a very strong, effective final project -- particularly with the addition of the interviews.
